Saturday 29 March 2014

A Good Night

Thank you Lord for this day. For blessing me and for forgiving my sins. Thank you for all those who are praying for me, both known and unknown.
Have a good night my friends and my family. For mom, sis and Susan. Miss you Susan. This silence is not easy. But it's alright. I hope u call me. I'm a fool when it comes to relationships. I never was in one. So when you tell me to leave you alone. I quietly agree to it. But if u do feel alone, please do call me. Im unsure what's to be done. Slightly confused. Hmm

God bless u all n I thank u all for being in my life. Tc

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Lord’s servant

Who can serve the Lord? Are there any prerequisites for being one? Actually, I don't know. I guess anyone can, as long as one is pure (chaste) and obedient (to Him).

I'm no servant, as I'm neither chaste nor obedient. I follow my desires and I die.  This why "Hail Mary" is one of my favorite prayers apart from the "Our Father". It's cos there is  a request to Mary "...pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death". Death to me here is not the physical death, but the death of the soul when one sins. The separation of God and man.

I have seen my grandma pass away. For I was right beside her. And I'll never forget, that she called our Mother and then gave up the spirit. I feel it's a privilege to die with "Mary" being the last word.

So I reckon, in both the natural and the spiritual death Mary our mother can help us a lot.
She is the epitome of purity. In fact she can been seen as the source of purity....truly blessed by God.

Today we celebrate the Annunciation. Nine months to Christmas, the birth of Jesus.  May the Lord be always born in our hearts.