Monday 27 April 2009


I was too lazy to write during the last month or during the weeks of this month..Basically, i was busy with college.From the date of my previous post till now, there has been both sad, interesting and happy events.

On 15th, my grandmother passed away.She was sick.Its really strange in that on that day we called her and spoke to her.Couple of hours later we heard the bad news.Obviously my mum would be sad, its her mother.We had to go to India,so we booked the next available flight. ….anyway we came back on 23 or 22? (i dont remember)..

So i missed some labs and lectures..

On 23rd of Feb: I called Angie and we spoke for  a long time (half an hour maybe)…

Safiya also told me, why she thinks ................................…I love her so much and will always be like that..

My current course seems difficult, and so im planning of not doing it next year. I may go for nursing or teaching.And if im doing nursing or teaching, that will be in Australia(i hope)..i just want to get out of here.Its going to cost a lot, and as usual my mum’s gonna pay for it. Im so sad of this, im always relying on my mum, and i dont like that.Now she has to work harder and that too with bad health…how can i repay her for her love…

Now only a week or so for college, im looking forward to finish this year, especially this semester. I think this semester is way too hard and moreover most of the modules a credit of 8 unlike previous years or semesters.God help me learn…please…