Sunday 29 September 2024

Along came a mosquito...

It's just rained. The air is cold and still and its way past midnight. I am desperate to get a goodnight sleep. The only thing is I can't. The constant buzzing of mosquitoes around me keeps me awake. Knowing that only my face is exposed I quickly tuck in under the blanket. They still fly around like miniature fighter jets ready to find a weak spot. Slowly my mind drifts off. I wonder why God created the mosquito. What's the purpose of it? What good can come from it? Were there a pair in Noah's Ark? Surely He knows the diseases it can cause. If blood symbolises life, these little insects are drawn to life. It gives them nourishment and to its eggs. Then my mind takes me to Jesus. He himself offered his body and blood to us. And then, right there at that moment I came to the profound realisation what John 3:16 actually meant.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"

I have heard this verse countless times. There is no denying I didn't know what it meant. As a Christian I know Jesus, his purpose and his legacy. 

But what I didn't know or care to know was the actual fact that God Loves Me More Than Jesus. Of course God loves Jesus, his Son. But the defining moment came when his Son was chosen to die for us. Logically... 

[It's been more than 2 years since I had this in draft and I have lost what I had in mind. Still I thought of publishing it.. Here goes...] 

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