Saturday, 19 March 2011

What's with pink?? ..and so on..

I don't understand why pink is synonymous with "girly"!! I like the colour pink and purple. Does that make me a girl? Im not being a sexist here, but looks like society is smug about it. My female friends tease me (although im not offended in any way)  when I suggest the colour of pink. What is in pink that's only reserved for the opposite gender?

And what's wrong in complimenting? Helloo being honest here. Gimme a break for once!
Or did you take the possession  of the word "honesty" also? You say boys should keep their feelings inside, locked out from the world. What nonsense! Now, if I see a cool clutch or a purse or a bag for that matter that suits you or your appearance, what's wrong in saying "I like it"? Or should I rephrase and say "I like it on you!" Hmmm..

I personally reckon you girls have the notion in your head that you can read the minds of boys around you. That you even know the exact feeling he is going through. Is that so?

You say, a boy looks more manly if he involves in a physical fight. Well to me it looks like, we are merely circus animals entertaining you.

Its totally strange..i mean how girls think..its either that or there is something seriously wrong with my head..haa.
May be girls are complicated..and its better to leave it, the way it is rather than going mad yourself to understand their mind :)

But hey, I like the girls in my life.  Without them, I think my life would be boring. I mean, they are always there to support me :) They would listen to all the crap I say. They try to correct me when im wrong. They help me in my studies. The list goes on...thank you all.

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