Saturday, 9 April 2022

Geat are thy works O Lord!

I love science. I did both my graduation and post graduation on it. I get excited and intrigued by its  discoveries and progress. Be it the particle smashing colliders, the space probing telescopes or the sequencing of genomes. What scientists do is to tell the workings of the natural. They propose, they test and they find. They begin with an unknown to ultimately reach a known.

Yet, despite all it's achievements, I'm still not sure of the origin story. From the origin of the universe to the precise moment when a new life is born. Who decides the perfect time to begin. Is there a conscious that permeates both space and time? A logic for creation and destruction? If it was infinitely hot and dense in the beginning, what triggered expansion? Why was it dense and hot in the first place? What prevented another to form somewhere else? Or did they? 
I on the other hand, willed for a baby. With God as my creator and me as a cocreator brought forward a tiny little being, a baby boy. After 6 years of marriage, I finally have a son. Thanks to all the prayers from persons known and unknown. 

If you are trying for a baby, a small spiritual suggestion then. If you are Catholic, offer a mass for all the babies that could not make it alive. Do this for 3 months. So, a mass for each month. May God bless you. 

Monday, 17 January 2022

When COVID came knocking, I opened the door

With COVID all around, it's variants emerging at dizzying speed, I was spared from it...until now. For the past two days, I was having high fever. Did two Antigen tests and came positive for both. I might need to do a PCR test. 
As I write this I am in isolation. I need to keep my family and those around safe. Now that after 5 years of marriage, by God's grace, we are expecting a baby in few months, I could have been more careful.
Last week, I had my cousin's engagement and this was the only time I remember, since Covid began, I let go of my mask and that too in crowd.
As its impossible to point from where or how I caught it, I can say masks help a lot.