Friday, 28 February 2020

Kerala: tiny in size, big at heart

As a child growing up in my tiny little State of Kerala, I always loved the people here. This brought a sense of belonging. To the point where if this sense is denied I feel something has been taken forcefully. What is it? 
Being lived in Middle East for most of my childhood I know non-democratic nations can offer peace among its residents.
Kerala on the other hand is only a state in India. It is reliant on the Centre (Delhi) for its sustenance. The Centre that is democratically instituted.
The recent violence in Delhi has made me think.  It has made me think how blessed am I to be in Kerala. Right now I am on a bus to work. On its windshield you will see three photo frames with a Hindu God, Jesus and the Mosque facing the commuters. Call me naive, but I wonder where else can you see this kind of unity. A song is being played on the speakers that is offered to the Hindu God, Lord Krishna. Being a Catholic does that offend me? No. It doesn't and shouldn't. Why not? Because I, like other majority of Keralites, puts people first, religion comes later. 
No matter what religion you are or what belief you have, or don't have, there is this common thread that runs through our souls. To feel empathy and to do something about it. To understand others, their pain. 
It is then no wonder why the political parties here came together despite their differences to say No to laws that seemingly divides people on the basis of religion. 
If education is what makes me elucidate these thoughts then I wish for people being educated. To travel. To take in, mull over and start  bringing changes within ourselves. Let's not be too narrow. Widen our scope.