My last post said we were looking for a home and thank God, we found one. Although it has no bedroom, we are happy to have a roof under our head. The living room becomes our bedroom. The rent is a bit costly but we can't really complain.
So that's that.
In retrospect, I have been with unrequited love from my school years up to even the month before my marriage. During all these time, I have expressed my love in varying ways to all the girls I liked. For it is my desire that the other person knows my feelings. I don't like playing games, nor wasting time. Pain and sadness often follows these expression of love episodes. Girls move on all too quickly.
Now, tomorrow will be our second wedding anniversary. Ron has been in my life for two years now. Wow! Of course our marriage was arranged, that we were strangers but that doesn't matter because there's love between us. I had no job and she said yes. Yesterday, she was asking me when will she see me being angry at her. Surely there are fights, the sulking and the silence but in the end love brings us back. I am usually the silent one and who takes all her wrath. But I don't mind because, most if not all the time, it's my fault. Besides, I rarely retaliate, be it her or anyone for that matter.
She is patient with me and encourages me to take risks in life and above all loves me the way it should be.
I'm just beginning my family life and since I am still without a job, I have applied for few jobs and I am waiting for the outcome. As always God provides.