Saturday, 21 March 2015

Under Construction

Today if I look into my life and compare to yesteryears, I would say thanks to few others.  Today, I feel I can take risks and remain hopeful. Although they are feelings, I was even hesitant to feel this way. I'm taking baby steps for changing myself, even though there is this strong calling not to change and accept defeat. But I won't give up and is happy to be under construction :)

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Dragonflies and Moses

Had this weird dream. Thought of writing it.

Moses is in a desert and is very thirsty. No water and scorching sun above. What will he do?
Well then, a dragonfly  sips water quietly near a pond or something. It sips and guess what it does next?
It passes this water (don't know how..maybe spits) to the broad wings of another dragonfly. And this one passes to another one and so on...until it reaches Moses. Moses just had to open his mouth and his thirst is gone.
 I see a pharaoh really distressed about something. 

Don't know why I dreamt this. Is God trying to say something or is my mind projecting a distorted version of what happened according to the Bible?

May I just need to trust Him. He will make a way :)

Saturday, 7 March 2015


Isn't it good to be tested. You will know exactly who you are. You will certainly know your weaknesses. As I wait a door to be opened...I'm testing my patience to wait. Will I fail?

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

With you

Out there somewhere an eye sheds its tears
Out there somewhere a lip begin to smile
Out there somewhere a voice is heard
Out there somewhere a heart rejoices
Out there somewhere a soul unites
Out there somewhere someone calls my name
And it is out there where I want to be
With you