Here in India if u wanna get married u got to first get the nod from the girl's family. See the gal for the first time.Then the boy's family talks with them. Know more about them n hopefully all the talking ends up in tying a knot. Its all "arranged".
A boy such as me has to be on toes during all these customs. He has to always smile. Answer all the questions. Make a wrong move and then it's a bye bye to the girl whom u just met.
Although I have never been in such a situation heart goes out to most boys out there.
In my case, I had met the girl, Susan, before. We were classmates. We were good friends.But that was a decade ago.We lost contact till last year. I told I like her. Today I still has to get a response from her. But I kinda think she likes me, only keeping quiet.
OK so it so happened that my uncle called Susan's mother to express my interest in marrying her. Her family is fine with our proposal. Now, again waiting for her response. Hopefully something interesting will come out.