Saturday, 15 November 2014

I say Thank You

I'm an introvert trying not to be shy in front of people. I often see myself not saying the right thing at the right time and that too when I open my mouth it's gibberish. This breaks down my confidence so much. I keep quiet...forced to. I have lost various opportunities because of this. 

But hey I don't rue that much. I see myself slowly changing, which is good.

To talk face-to-face with the mother and family of  Susan would be the last thing I ever imagined. If it was 3 years ago...I would faint by the very thought of it (lol just joking). But yes my heart would be racing like Formula One. I would stammer and stumble. I would make a fool out of myself in front of them. There would be fear.

But not today. I have changed. I not only talked with them, I was quiet comfortable with them. In fact I wanted to talk more. But given the situation...I must not overdo it. I had the spunk to say them directly that I'm not well with people or have that many "people skills".
I don't know what they think of me. Can I look after and love their girl.

The point is...many had taught me (and still is) patiently to love myself and not to be scared of talking. It's to them I owe a big thanks. I know I'm hard to "train".lol. Their hard work is paying off I guess. Its slow...but still in progress.

As for winning Susan, I remain hopeful. I have reached this far by nothing but by prayer. And pray I will.

Saturday, 8 November 2014


Went to the cinema to see. Man, great movie. I wouldn't mind seeing it the second time. Gravity was awesome but this...this is better I guess. The storyline  is well written with ample twists and turns. Christopher, you did a well job I would say.
Wanted to see it the first time I knew about it...four months back!
Glad to see the movie touching the topic of earth and population which I mentioned on my previous post.
Asked Susan to see it too cos the plot revolves around the love of a father and daughter.

Go watch it!
You wont regret.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Make me tender

For one month I gave myself to Mary so that she may offer my prayers to Him. For one month I remained pure and faithful.. and then I fell.
Mind you its no easy task for me. But on hindsight, I have improved a lot. I still have a long way to go and I'll never give up.
If yesterday I confess, today I sin. Each time I get close, I am thrown away. No I wont give up.

Mother I implore thee
Stained by sin I fear to approach
Ask your Son to forgive me
For giving hurt and only hurt
My thoughts and desires
Far from pure and marred by lust
How can I say I love others
When loving you I never bother
Mother don't give up hope
Ask your Son to forgive me
I'm fighting inside with self
To crucify self on the cross
Cross your Son bore
For me and even more
Calloused I am
And make me tender

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Assisted Suicide Wins

Which is more valuable? Pain or life? hmm..

In my earlier post I mentioned I'll be praying for Britanny Manynard. Just read the news that she took her life with the "suicide pill". One wonders when did such a pill come into existence. I don't know what compels a person to take such a decision.
They say its cos of love. That they don't want anyone else to suffer jus cos they are sick. But is it so simple?
We as a family are meant to take care of our sick members. That's what a family is for. What if someone finds a cure for cancer tomorrow? Then what...can we bring her back?

But let me also ask...does a true family exist? How do you define a family? Selfish we all are...oblivious to pain and suffering. It's no wonder when we are about to see such an act common.
Just imagine sick people all over ending their lives because of love. What kind of love is this? Strange