The gal is not with him...but has he lost her? No never. You see this boy is unlike other boys. He does nothing other than to pray to win her heart. But hey, he had done what he can...while he can. Like saying gazillion times that he loves her even when he doesn't know what it stood for or its meaning. Like patiently hearing her yell at him believing she is still nice to him. Like not annoying her too much. Only to be turned down for his slightest concern for her. And yet he smiles. For he believes she will be his and he her's one day.
But then he has to please God. He struggles with his self. Fighting against the waves. For he fears he will be carried away as always. By the false love this world gives freely. God for him is a friend. By obeying Him...he is assured by His word "Ask and you will receive". In His word he believes blindly. Trying his best not to question and doubt. For now there is silence...he waits. And so the story goes...