Friday, 27 June 2014

Oh boy!

Boy meets gal...boy losses gal...boy gets gal. If my situation could be made into a movie where would I be?
The gal is not with him...but has he lost her? No never. You see this boy is unlike other boys. He does nothing other than to pray to win her heart. But hey, he had done what he can...while he can. Like saying gazillion times that he loves her even when he doesn't know what it stood for or its meaning. Like patiently hearing her yell at him believing she is still nice to him. Like not annoying her too much. Only to be turned down for his slightest concern for her. And yet he smiles. For he believes she will be his and he her's one day.
 But then he has to please God. He struggles with his self. Fighting against the waves. For he fears he will be carried away as always. By the false love this world gives freely. God for him is a friend. By obeying Him...he is assured by His word "Ask and you will receive". In His word he believes blindly. Trying his best not to question and doubt. For now there is silence...he waits. And so the story goes...

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

How to Train Your Dragon 2

Yesterday I saw the sequel to How to Train Your Dragon. I must say it's pretty impressive. It has got a nice story...good beats bad... and a nice graphics to it. There's not much in 3D... well that's what I felt.
But yeah at the end of the are left feeling content that you watched a good movie at the cinema.
I'd recommend to anyone ;)

Friday, 13 June 2014

God will make a way

Thinking about what to jot down here... makes me think to write about God.
Why does He care so much about us? I mean look at the state of things. We disobey...we fight with Him with our desires...we call Him only when we are desperate... only to ignore when He calls us.
What is in us so that He loves us so much? What does He expect from us?
A song comes to my mind by Don Moen. It's so beautiful. It was told by my friend Nibs years back.
"God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way"

I got the impetus to write today's post from one of my dear friend. I prayed for her today and voila... I see God working through her.

Friday, 6 June 2014

New Chapter

Jus wanted to say that I resigned from my job. It's not cos I don't like it but because I wanted to do a course in journalism.
The only sad part is that now I'm jobless. So thinking of Susan I don't know what to say. Can or will she wait for me? First of all I don't know what's going on in her this. Hmm
But I'll still pray n still hope cos I like her.
I didn't expect to get a good score at the test... and I got it. Thanks to God. All honor is yours.