Friday, 31 May 2013

Blokes... is it so hard for you to understand the women in your life?? Blame your brain..NOT them!!

How often have you thought if you could know what’s going on her head...but you just couldn’t. Wouldn’t life be way better if you could read her eyes?? They say...eyes are the windows to ones souls. But what they dint say is it's hard for a man to read the signs through a women's eyes. Maybe they dint know it yet and so... i forgive them :P

A recent article in Plos ONE  has now come up with a plausible explanation as to why it's darn difficult for us..poor discern the emotions of our females. As if women were not the masters in hiding their emotions in the first place.

And it all comes to the "hardwiring" of our brains. It says " are superior in recognizing emotions/mental states of other men, as compared to women."

This can be because they say "...accurate interpretations of other men’s rather than women’s thoughts and intentions, especially threatening cues, may have been a factor contributing to survival in ancient times. As men were more involved in hunting and territory fights, it would have been important for them to be able to predict and foresee the intentions and actions of their male rivals."

Similarly,"...when compared to women, men are better at identifying facial expressions of anger, while women are more superior in recognizing fear and sadness."

It’s sad that findings such as these offer us men no comfort but only accentuates our helplessness :(

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Copy Editor

Hi all! I couldn’t blog for some time cos I was caught in the daily running of my life. I often thought to blog, but just couldn’t.
One reason for my absence is because I got hired as a trainee copyeditor by a private firm. It’s not that I like scouring for mistakes in other people’s work. But, it will give me a chance to look and enter into their thoughts, their perspective and hopefully their way of putting words into something meaningful. Besides, I love writing. So, it may help me in some way or other.
Entering into this profession makes me wonder how complex and vast the English Language is. Being a non-native myself, it intrigues me and at the same time confuses me a bit. 
To kneel down and worship grammar is not my goal. To rote learn all the rules and exception is close to impossible.
So here I am...entering into the world of words!!
Wish me good luck J