Monday, 11 February 2013

A Hero in the making :)

I always wonder wouldn't it be much better if we get everything right the first time we try something?
But will there be any "learning" as such??
Unfortunately or fortunately  failures are a much needed necessities. I know it's hard to accept failures. For we often tend to attach excessive emotions to it. And when emotions are high...we are overwhelmed by it.
Blame, remorse, hopelessness, anger, pity are but just a few which grips us..choking us.

And we give easily.
Is it natural?? Is it embedded into the human nature to be dissuaded so easily?
History teaches us..those who defied being overrun by emotions cos of failures are either our legends or heroes. They kept on doing what they do try and keep trying. Did they learn each time when met by dejection?

So..can we all be heroes by our own ways?? Heroes who are lesser known  or maybe even under appreciated but nonetheless having all the qualities of one.