Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A candle that was..

It's really a blessing to have your grandparents alongside your life. I sometimes wondered how my life would have been devoid of them. My grandmother especially had a great influence on me. She was like a tiny candle in our family. Always shining and smiling. It's cos of her I began to pray recite the wonderful Holy Rosary.
This has helped me immensely and it's power is beyond comprehension for it's loyal devotee is never left alone. It won't make your life sans difficulties or hardships...but you get a sense that everything happens for a reason. That someone "Up there" is there for you..

It's not just the prayers...she taught me how to socialize with others (being the introvert I am). To never forget our remain always humble.

It's more amazing in that she hardly went to school and yet she recalls most of the stories, tales and rhymes which she learned while young. I sometimes persuade her to tell me these tales and rhymes to which she happily agrees. In this fast age of IPods and MP3s few would have such occasions.

But at last her time was up...she suddenly fell ill and passed away at the good age of a leaf that fall silently to the ground after providing such nourishment to the tree as a whole . A candle that's burned out. She will always be in my memory and in my prayers...May her soul Rest In Peace