Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A candle that was..

It's really a blessing to have your grandparents alongside your life. I sometimes wondered how my life would have been devoid of them. My grandmother especially had a great influence on me. She was like a tiny candle in our family. Always shining and smiling. It's cos of her I began to pray recite the wonderful Holy Rosary.
This has helped me immensely and it's power is beyond comprehension for it's loyal devotee is never left alone. It won't make your life sans difficulties or hardships...but you get a sense that everything happens for a reason. That someone "Up there" is there for you..

It's not just the prayers...she taught me how to socialize with others (being the introvert I am). To never forget our remain always humble.

It's more amazing in that she hardly went to school and yet she recalls most of the stories, tales and rhymes which she learned while young. I sometimes persuade her to tell me these tales and rhymes to which she happily agrees. In this fast age of IPods and MP3s few would have such occasions.

But at last her time was up...she suddenly fell ill and passed away at the good age of a leaf that fall silently to the ground after providing such nourishment to the tree as a whole . A candle that's burned out. She will always be in my memory and in my prayers...May her soul Rest In Peace

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed..."(Luke 17:6)

One thing I found that both faith and hope can get you a long long way...even when the world shuns only have to smile at them and pray and pray and humble and subservient and all be fine...even when it means to wait a long wait...
For our prayers and hardships are not unheeded...they are neither lost nor wasted...

Take care

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Firefox N Me

Which browser do you use? Is it Chrome? Maybe Internet Explorer (IE) or Firefox? favorite is Firefox..its not only highly customizable with it's vast number of Add-ons...but also it supports safe and secure browsing. I'm not being prejudiced here..but web pages do load faster.

 My Add-ons include:

1. Adblock Plus  for getting rid of unwanted ads and increasing your attention span

2. Clippings is very handy...if you need to enter the same texts over n over again

3. Personas for giving your Firefox your personal touch with its huge collection of skins

4. Tab Focus which relieves you from clicking each tabs to open..with this you just have to hover your mouse over the tab..

5. DictionarySearch which lets you to check the meaning of a word simply by selecting and right clicking

6. Element Hiding Helper which let you hide a specific "element" in a web page

7. Greasemonkey which again lets you customize a web page or install "scripts" for a particular action

These are my always used Addons that increase productivity and efficiency.

I also check the "Use Small Icons" in the Customize Toolbar setting and I also place the bookmarks as just Icons without the texts, left to the Tabs. This gives you a very streamlined experience, where everything is available by just a click :) Here is the screenshot 
Your Icons or Favcons as they are called will disappear as you open more and more Tabs...but its of no worry, as you can easily access them by clicking on the Down Arrow right to the Bookmarks  as shown below:

But one thing I wished Firefox had was the built in Flash support as Chrome. Users of Firefox have to manually download and install Adobe Flash Player for watching videos or for playing online games.

Thats all!!

 Have a happy browsing :)

Friday, 14 September 2012

One more candle to the cake :)

I see all the years that have been past...the lessons made and the mistakes made...are all but for the betterment of me..

This life had given me a good family...friends who are always there...and the prayers and well wishes from all the acquaintances..strangers  that was and to be..... I'm indebted to you all..

Life has to move on...there's  no other choice to other path to choose....

We emerge us winners or losers...only time will tell

I don't support nor believe laissez-faire of thinking...where everything takes it's own's all up to follow the consequences..

I'm 25 today!!
Thank You Lord for all the good things you have blessed me with... And Im sorry for offending you..I hope my future will teach me things that i have failed to learn and new lessons to master...

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Happy times ends soooo fast

Why is it always that moments we wish to stay for a tad longer...just wrap up so quick :(

For a couple of days I was with my mom...and away from her..

I feel as if I was snatched away from her...

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Girl Power

I just love action flick with girls playing the lead role. These includes the likes of  "Tomb Raider", "Resident Evil", "Underworld" , Kill Bill", "Eon Flux", "Ultraviolet".

Just don't know why though. Maybe it's cos we  don't see such girl power in the real world..hmmm.

The numbers for rape cases being registered in my country  for the year 2010 is both alarming and heartbreaking...20,262. It's not just in my country but is rife in almost every other part of the world.

 "In 2000, a national survey in the United Kingdom concluded that 4.9% of all women had experienced at least one rape or sexual assault. In Ireland, Sweden and Germany separate studies suggested that far higher numbers of women had been attacked, ranging from 25% to 34%"...reads one excerpt from the local newspaper.

Im not blaming any one nation or anything...just pointing out that something must be done


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Love my Mom sooo much!!

It really is a pity...that I earn only like 100 Euros(130 USD) per month as my wages..but I'm not happy with will suffice.
But being a 24 year old and to ask your mother for's not good and doesn't feel good :( mother is struggling to keep the family running..ever since my father's unexpected demise...its heartbreaking..
She has done soo much for us..gave us and still is giving us the opportunity to have a good education..silently agreeing with our often paltry wishes..

Yet it seems a long way for her to earn some respite...considering the work she does and her flagging health...she's like 50 now

Ah well...God's there..and that's the only source of relief and hope

Wished I could have done something better...

Friday, 20 July 2012

In a dilemma..

As I walk along the streets, I see the destitute, the handicapped or the maimed. All who needs desperate help and support from the governments or individuals.All who yearns for a source of relief from their suffering. I see myself wondering, who's fault is this. Is it theirs or someone else's? John 9:1-3 is the verse that comes into my mind.
But the point is...Should I give a few bucks to these who have nothing, who's situation makes them to raise their arms to beg? Am I encouraging them to beg for more? I don't know..but it feels good when you know that the receiver is at peace with our few pence..or so I believe. After is a necessity..for evil or good..what may.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hello Creation!!

It's a grand accomplishment for the scientific community for discovering the presence of the ever so mysterious and elusive Higgs boson or the "God particle".

But to me a question arises..."Where does that leave God?" that we are a step closer to answer the questions pertaining creation.

What must be God thinking now?

Saturday, 23 June 2012

When a wish do come true...

Just wished today to see  the movie "Of Mice And Men" and voilĂ !! by nightfall it was aired on the telly. Its a pretty good flick. I had its novel (Author: John Steinbeck) in my English syllabus for my senior highschool, and that's when it was shown to us in class, when I was left slightly sad by the ending.Brilliant story.

 Like most cases..the book is more worthwhile than the movie...but hey the movie is great too.

Since my wish was made true..I feel good :)


Friday, 20 April 2012

What's cooking?

Cooking always interested me...but that always remained that way..just an interest. While with my mom, she always used to urge me to try,  the very idea which I nudged aside happily . Fast forward few years...and then! Hardly I ever imagined how handy that would have become for that I live alone. I now rue the days where I could have learned something, but i just dint care.

As a result  I have acquired a renewed fascination in cooking. Eateries here are quiet expensive, so making something for you, yourself, is not only  a good option but also healthy as well . I'm now at the elementary stage..learning few things at a slow pace.

So it's no wonder I dreamt of Shaina preparing something. This is cos, she along with other classmates often talked about cookery in class.This somehow remained in my subconscious, and this association together with my rekindled interest made me dream. Her mother was also there besides her even though I've never met her personally.Maybe its cos I always see her when Shaina boards the college bus.

Hmm..thats all for now 

Monday, 12 March 2012

Stateliness at its zenith

I love this creature..gigantic yet so humble

Thursday, 8 March 2012

A rose among thorns...

To all the women out there ..
Thank you for devoting your life for making a better world
Thanks for being there when we men need a bit of say it'll be alright
Thanks for loving your kids with all your heart and for making them miss you when you are not around
Thanks for fighting against all odds and hardships faced in society and workplace
Thanks for the struggle to scrape a living..all for your family
Thanks for all your prayers and each tear drop shed for shows someone actually cares
Thanks for bringing us to this world..from childhood to old age,you will remain as an inspiration to bring forth good,etched in our hearts all the suffering endured to raise us up
Thanks for being our lover..for as they say "One is a lonely number"
Thanks for your smiles that makes us forget all the worries and be at peace

And out  of everything else ...Thanks for not asking anything back...for nothing could be sufficed in return

Devoted for all the mothers,sisters, just friends,girlfriends and wives
Stay and be in luv

Happy Women's Day

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

I Love You Valentine.Whoever You Are.- Sally (in Peanuts)

 I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day...wherever you are and whoever you are.
Sorry for not taking you out or greeting with a kiss and offering you flowers n having a candlelight dinner.
For I believe one doesn't  need a "special" day to show your love. Cos love always exists, unrestrained..freeflowing. Each moment of it, is to be embraced, savored and shared.

And about all those flowers, the dinner, the me me they are  mere vicarious fulfillment.Its for the senses..not for the heart.Promoted by all the ads, the hype and of course the gossips.