Saturday, 7 November 2009

Love and Lust

Love is when you associate your "heart/soul" with some one.Lust is when you associate your "physical body" with someone mentally.Am i right here?If not someone please do correct me.
Is lust normal?I dont know.Is lust common?I think so.Is it bad?I think so. Have I felt lust?Of course I have.Does that make me bad?I dont know, but i guess im not bad.Im just being honest here..ok?You may think, "doesnt this guy hav any sort of privacy?"Mmm..well i do have, but i think in order to fight against such things, you need to talk about it to someone.Hence, this post :-)

I was reading another article today.It said:
"It seems to be true that the interplay of love and lust is different for most men and women. Most men report that as love deepens, lust receeds (see the Coolidge effect)—while many women experience the opposite: the more love and security they feel with a given man, the more relaxed they are about experiencing unrestrained lust."

This sounds applicable to me also, i have felt this way before i:e as love deepens, lust receeds.
However I dint know what was the so called "Coolidge effect", untill I read it in Wikipedia.Its kind of funny when you read why its named in this way.This effect is pretty interesting.I never knew such a "thing" had a name of its own.And the experiments to prove this seems more bizarre.
The article could be found here

Ahem...but. Am I romantic?

Love is strange..Is it? Love happens..Im sure! Does too much "like" turn into love?..I wonder.Love is Blind..or are you blind with love?Love is to be felt..what happens if it cant be felt?Love is personal..but how personal can love get?Love is to be is it a game?

 So... What is Love?

Even though my blog is titled "Love4ever"..i dont know the meaning of love.How stupid? I began this topic because I just read an article about "Men in Love" so nice!! I love such topics/surveys/research...who doesnt?
At least for me, If I seem to fall for a girl, i would take my best of my ability to say it to the whatever means, although it may take time for me to express it.Its sometimes shocking, for someone to realize i actually will do it, when they see my overall character.Im generally quiet.And not a person who seeks attention.I am what I am.I think im not at all romantic.
But look at this extract from the article:
" .....but many men do something more romantic than all that: they keep their love in their hearts forever."
How touching? Is it not?
Am i like that?I dont know for sure but i think i am, even though i dint take part in the survey.Its a sad thing,  to keep your feelings locked in your heart forever...isnt it? Im not of the types, who buy flowers for their girls, Im not the type who goes to the cinemas together. Im not the type  who sends cards to express my love.Although I would love to do these, Im so not such types.Blame me,its ok.But yeah, I know generally girls love to be a part of this.They sometimes demand so much from boys.And sometimes when the boy delivers her demand, she rejects it and maybe worse..him.I wish the men/boys applied brakes to their hectic love life.If you love someone,tell them and stick to it.No need for excessive ways to prove it.

Oops! Its Safiya's Birthday, I dint call her yet.I actually never wished her for her birthday (i actually forgets) although she was with me for the past 2 years.See, I dont think you need to wish someone whom you love so much.If u wish,its all good,and if u dont wish its all good still.You know you love her very much, and she knows it too..thts it.Mutual understanding is the key here.Safiya knows that I am her best friend and that Its ok if i dint wish her. But yeah, not all boys/men/women/girls are like this.They cause such a fuss for  the simple reason of not wishing, untill one of the other says "I Love you and I am sorry"..or something else.My God!!..Love is definitely strange.

Are you are the boss of your own thoughts?

What happens when something you dont want to remember/think crawls into your mind?Ignore it?Well at least for me, i either write about it to someone, talk about it to someone or just as usuall force myself not to think about it.Just yesterday itself I wrote about "some" thing which i dont like to think  to a friend, or take last week when I talked about it to some one else.It defenitely helped me in certain ways. 1st it helped me to realise that someone is always there to listen and help me out. 2ndly it hepled me to gain the trust with the other person.Thirdly, it helps to get rid of theses unwanted thoughts and desires from your mind.So as time goes, you basically forget the fact that you actually were thinking like that.Problem solved.But this simple strategy may not work for someone,who may be so obsessed with their "not needed" thoughts.Such kind of people may need a therapy or medical help.
The reason why Im writing this is because today a read an article about this whole issue, but in a more scientific way.Its interesting as well. Go here .
I especially liked the last bit, where it explians how to solve this problem.

"The answer: don't try so hard to control your thoughts! Instead, see if you can't get your secret preoccupation out in the open. Find a confidante to whom you can confess the idea—or perhaps write about it."

Iam grateful for my two friends for listening to me.Thank you so much.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Female power?!!

I had this thought for a very long time, and its only now i get a chance to express it.
I have this feeling that for human beings generally the female gender is more "beautiful" than the male gender.Is this true?Y is it like this, if its true?Does nature play a role here?If so what?
When i see the bird kingdom, i often see the male birds more beautiful, for example take the most obvious one, the peacock.The beauty it holds is amazing.why does in this case, the male  be more attractive?What difference will it make, if the peahen be colourfull, while the male be without the striking display of colours?
 From the animal kingdom, i have the lion.Does having the mane on a lion make it more attractive?
I wish i get an answer from somewhere.But this is what i think.It can be wrong or senseless.

Well, i think as humans evolved into more "brainer" species,there was a switch somewhere.That is, if you do believe in evolution.The result?The era of the "Pretty women"..hee