Sunday, 21 December 2008

Life is a Game!

Today i finished playing the latest Tomb Raider game (Tomb Raider Underworld) was easy compared to TRA and i finished within 4

Now back to study...i have exams in January..heee

I was sick yesterday..

Monday, 15 December 2008

What the....


Today while I was watching the News, I saw something interesting( may b not so interesting) was that reporter who threw shoes at George Bush in his visit to Iraq..just to insult him.. 

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


Im a bit happy today,as the Graphics card which i bought last year, found the solution from one of my threads which i started last year in MSDN Forums.Thank u Lord...!!..haa

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Busy as hell!(whatever that means)


Ok...its been a long time since i wrote something here.Ok..from my the time between my previous post and this one,a lot of things happened,one of which is that I got a good friend.Her name is Angie.She has my sisters age and her face tells that she is very not going into the detail about her..all i can say is that she is really sweet and caring..

Well,the reason y am writing this is that, today i recognised i have been making Angie angry for the past 3 days.Well,the reason is simple.I posted a picture of mine in a social networking website.Unfortunately this picture of mine was ugly,because i was not wearing a shirt,and moreover this picture was kinda showing off my i dont like posting my picture over the net.I have only put my picture once,but then i had it removed after few moments,unlike this one.

I posted this picture,because one of my friends asked me to.This was the conversation:

So u c, i posted this picture,without even thinking.And besides, i dint even know how to make this picture did something on the settings and felt that, its already in private mode.I was thinking only my friend can see this picture (however that was not the case..haa!)

Today in college i saw Angie,but she did not even notice me..hee( i sent her a message,but there was no reply.).During one of our breaks,i saw her with her sister Nancy.I went to them,but however as i approached them,Angie "just took off" first I did not understand what was goin on,but then suddenly it hit me...MY PICTURE!!!.....Nancy called her back and told me what was wrong...hee.Hearing that I felt sad,i felt bad for her.I felt like " Oops,What Have i done!".Nancy then made it "ok" for both of us..haa.But in my heart i felt it bad.I felt really bad,that i felt to! Why Am i like this?Why do I hurt people unknowingly?My memory takes back to Addie.Its more or less the same situation today.

Later  that day Angie,came to me asking whether I have seen Nancy,I said "No" and then i said i felt bad...she then said she wont leave unless i say that Im told her that,its hard for me to forget the feeling im undergoing.She even said sorry to I wonder?It was my mistake,and most of all i never knew she will be seeing the picture......But as i write this,everything is fine at the moment.

I was just thinking,what would happen if Nancy was not there.Would Angie never talk 2 me?Im such an

When i arrived home,mum was not in good mood, again hurt me because........ was a great day....

Thank you Lord....(I wish i don't complain so much to
Oops! I had introduced Nancy and Angie on 19th