Lord teach me what u want.Lord U know that Im not so good.I really wonder how did u resist temptations in the desert,please teach me.Lord let me remember you before i do something wrong,not after it.Lord I know Im hurting you,but why dont I feel your pain?Why dont I hear you cry?Is sin blocking the way?Lord teach me..
Today I saw a dream.This was the first time i think Im dreaming about Addie.And there was also one of my classmate.It is really strange as I dont think of them,but I dream of them.There was Vaseem also.He is also one of my classmate about 6 to 7 years b4.I think there was an examination or something.And I think I was planning to help her in her studies 4 the xam.But unfortunately she never appeared.I then saw she and the other girl driving a Vespa like Scooter.Addie was on the back seat.I saw this from a bus or something.But they didnt see me..
I think i dreamt about the Pope also,it is so vague now.This may be because I saw him yesterday on the TV in Sydney for the World Youth Day.
The Stations of the Cross in Sydney was touching.The actors played it really well.